okay how about something fun!
How about a peek into The Nerdy Girl Glossary:
IHOR (noun)
1. International House of Rock
2. Not so much a geographical location as a state of mind, baby
Hockman (noun)
1. Promising to be somewhere but then not showing up. As in "Dude pulled a Hockman, man!"
[origin: named for famed, 21st century no-shower Dean Hockman]
Chin [Chinned, Chinning] (verb)
1. The act of granting permission to use a location for filming and/or rehearsing, then, upon arrival of cast and crew, abruptly changing your mind and leaving cast and crew stranded on sidewalk with nowhere to go. As in "Dude chinned us, man!"
[origin: named for the historic screwing of the "Remote Control" production of 2004 by Mr. Chin of Leo's Smokefree Coffee Shop. Have fun make movie my ass...]
Piss! Pants! Fuck! (noun)
1. Gibberish phrase used in times of anger and distress
[origin: uttered by noted sociopath Sigfried Seeliger shortly before the heads were discovered in his freezer, ziploced and neatly labeled]
Ubergeek (noun)
1. See photo