Thursday, February 23, 2006

do something nice today..

... so my old friend Eric Storm plays drums with Geoff Byrd, and they're finalists in Mix 107.5's contest for a local band to open for Bon Jovi at the Rose Garden. Take a moment and click on over here and vote for Geoff Byrd. Do it. It'll make ya feel good.

Friday, February 17, 2006

because I'll forget later....

Happy birthday Musical Director Chris!! click me


Friday, February 10, 2006

now THAT'S dedication...

A crewman for Bigger Than Jesus who shall remain nameless (unless he wants to 'fess up to it) recently had some custom checks made for his checking account...

He sent us the following message:

That's right, every time we pay our bills, The Man will have to look at BTJ. Every time we buy groceries, The Man will see you. Every time we pass a bad check for some crap from Craigslist, they'll look at you and think, "Those fuckers fucked me, but hey, isn't that Rick Emerson?"

Feel my wrath, check-takers!!!!!!!!!!

BTJ Global Domination:1
The Man:0

Thursday, February 02, 2006

little dreams coming true...

two things to cross off my "to do" list for this life...

a listing on

an entry in Wikipedia

(without having to do either myself)

also recently crossed off the list... have press release written about me in another language.

(Google translastion: "The Nicodemus Americans have entrusted to the estimated independent director Joni DeRouchie the recording of a video of long duration, relative to the Next trace in Nocturne, draft from the last album Vanity is to Virtue")

ah life is good!

now if only wil wheaton would answer my emails, i could really die happy...