Thursday, May 05, 2005

it's late ...

I should be sleeping. But I can't. Late at night is when the panic comes. Late at night is when I start to think about all the things that can go horribly wrong.

Even after a rippingly good rehearsal like tonight. Rick and I worked out some special, er ... choreography for a few scenes. One can accuse Rick of many things, but one can never accuse him of doing it half-assed. I once saw an interview with Deborah Winger in which she said that you should always fall on your face, never on your ass. And if Rick ever falls, it's going to be face-first, slamming into a wall going 90. God help me, I hope I'm right there with him.

Tomorrow we're doing our first musical "cue to cue" (or Q2Q for you cutsie-pies) with the band, meaning that we're going to run through all the musical numbers with Rick and the band together for the first time. Most of the guys in the band have never even read the script, so it will be interesting to gauge their reactions to the material.

It's been a busy week -- I've got nearly all the off-stage actors cast. I procured a set painter. Rob Peacock the Saint of Set Building has nearly completed our first big set piece. I think Aaron the Geek's lady love will be doing some costuming for us, gluing sparkly bits of things onto other things. Sarah X. Dylan is coming on board as Stylist, helping me to find the perfect look for Rick. And several Little Dudes are coming to, uh, pass the time, so to speak.

Still to do -- A chronic ear/nasal infection has prevented my husband from doing *any* work on the pre-recorded audio, and I'm in no position to hassle him without looking like a heartless bitch on account of he's in constant pain (and/or a constant state of Counter Strike play). I still need to nail down a Sound Designer. I have to settle a conflict with my Director of Photography regarding the number of cameras and placement. And I'm shamefully behind on responding to emails from folks who want to know why their tickets haven't arrived yet (Answer -- they're not being mailed).

So there's still lots to do, and on Monday ... the singers join the band at the IHOR. And we'll see if that nutty old Dean Hockman can live up to his reputation. Does anyone want to take bets on whether or not Chris and I can make him cry? Eh?



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