Still seeking leads for a new rehearsal space -- email me with your ideas!
Meanwhile... Myself, Rick, Stage Manager Aaron, Music Director Chris, and Director of Photography Nate visited the theater yesterday to scope out the amenities. As we strolled the halls of the Arts Department Building Reservoir Dogs-style, dodging youngsters reading sides and overacting around every corner, it became clear that even now, even amongst generation-Y drama nerds who stopped reciting Noel Coward to stare at us as we walked by, even now we're still the misfits ... Chris with his shiny, black, metal guy hair and t-shirt depicting a nude woman wrapped in barbed wire, Aaron with his swarthy aura of Latin love and Green Lantern tattoo, and Rick with his black leather jacket and "Gilmore Girls" hat and his, well, everything else. (But Nate and I blend right in! Yeah.)

(the stage was set for a production of "Blithe Spirit")

(but the force was strong in the dressing room)
Meanwhile... Myself, Rick, Stage Manager Aaron, Music Director Chris, and Director of Photography Nate visited the theater yesterday to scope out the amenities. As we strolled the halls of the Arts Department Building Reservoir Dogs-style, dodging youngsters reading sides and overacting around every corner, it became clear that even now, even amongst generation-Y drama nerds who stopped reciting Noel Coward to stare at us as we walked by, even now we're still the misfits ... Chris with his shiny, black, metal guy hair and t-shirt depicting a nude woman wrapped in barbed wire, Aaron with his swarthy aura of Latin love and Green Lantern tattoo, and Rick with his black leather jacket and "Gilmore Girls" hat and his, well, everything else. (But Nate and I blend right in! Yeah.)

(the stage was set for a production of "Blithe Spirit")

(but the force was strong in the dressing room)
At least in this picture, Rick has his pinkie tucked away man-style.
Does it match the drapes? If so, I hope you can! That's a good sign. Of what, I have no idea.
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