We've received many emails from folks asking about ticket pick-ups, curtain time, and so forth. Please read this post carefully, and all your questions will be answered.
WHEN & WHEREThe show is Sunday, June 26th at Lincoln Performance Hall at PSU.
Lincoln Hall is located at the corner of SW Park and Market.
Mapquest link TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT WILL-CALL BEGINNING AT 6PM Arrive anytime before 6pm to secure your spot in line. At 6pm, we will begin moving folks through the will-call line.
Your tickets will be under the name used to purchase them through PayPal. Give that name to one of the ticket booth people, they will check the list, and give you your tickets. You will then make your way into the theater to find a seat.
Seating is general admission - first come, first serve.
Curtain is at 7pm. Due to the fact that we're filming the show, no late-comers will be allowed admission into the theater. If you arrive after 7pm, you're outta luck, unless you want to wait until intermission to enter and catch the second half of the show.
If you've received a comp ticket in exchange for helping out with the show or auditioning on the air or any other reason, follow the same instructions as above, even if you already have your ticket. Just show it to the ticket booth person and move on through into the theater.
If you were promised a ticket in exchange for helping out with the show or auditioning on the air and haven't heard from me yet, feel free to email me at
nerdygirlfilms@hotmail.com to confirm your status as complimentary ticket holder.
ABOUT THE FILMING We will be filming the performance for release as a feature film. By entering the theater, you are granting permission to be recorded for the movie, and granting the producers all rights to use your likeness in the movie. You will be reminded of this numerous times at the theater as well.
You might be saying to yourself, "Oh boy! I'm gonna be in a movie! I wonder what I should wear?" Good question! If you want to make my job easier and increase your chances of appearing on-screen, you'll avoid wearing any hats or shirts with logos or any other sort of copyrighted artwork on them.
Because we are filming it, we want lots of hearty audience energy, so come ready to make noise! Big laughs when it's funny and big quiet when it's sad. Remember, the more you give Rick, the more he gives back!
However, because of timing issues and so forth, we request that you resist any temptation you might have to applaud for the band whenever they play. Think of them more like the orchestra at a musical instead of a rock band. No applause is expected or required for the band. That having been said, the big finale number is a whole other story. Feel free to go nuts for the big finale. Scream, cheer, clap, cry, demand our heads on pikes if you feel you've been horribly ripped off - whatever you want. You can even sing along, if the power of rock compels you.
Also, audience members are encouraged to stick around after the show is over to record additional audience noises - various levels of laughter and wooooo-ing and so forth. It won't take long, and will be very helpful in the editing process (so we can make stuff sound funnier than it actually was).
ADVANCE DVD SALES We will be taking pre-orders for the DVD at the show for only $20. The actual retail price of the DVD will be somewhere in the $25 - $30 range, so you'll be saving a least a fiver on the deal and possibly more. And all pre-ordered DVDs will be signed by the cast and key crew, adding countless value to them! So bring $20 cash or a check made out to 'Bigger Than Jesus Stageshow,' and you'll get your DVD posthaste upon its release at the end of the year!
We will also have the world-famous BtJ t-shirts for sale after the show.
I guess that's everything. If you have any additional questions, feel free to email me at
nerdygirlfilms@hotmail.comOn a personal note.
Thank you for buying your tickets and supporting the show. We literally would not have been able to any of this if it hadn't been for so many folks buying tickets those first couple of days after Entercom took Max 910 and Rick off the air. You got us through that iffy time, and I thank you for it. And this live show is just the beginning of what's going to be an incredible DVD with lots of documentaries and shorts, and countless opportunities for y'all to contribute your stories and talents.
I'm incredibly excited about this - the definitive version of "Bigger Than Jesus" - and everything it's grown into. Those of you who've been with us since the Clinton Street will remember when this show used to be nothing more than Rick, two chairs, and an area rug. Now it's a full-scale musical with a live band, numerous off-stage actors, live sound effects, and a big ass set. It's all thanks to you. and it's all
for you.
I'll see you next Sunday. It's gonna be one hell of a party.
Joni DeRouchie - Director