Thursday, September 22, 2005

desperate times and desperate measures...

The life of a freelancer is, while gratifying, often unpredictable.

I just learned that, due to unforseen circumstances, I lost the big job that was going to carry my family through for the next six to eight months, leaving us fucked in ways I can't even begin to explain.

So ... I use this, my last gasp, to ask you fine people if you or anyone you know has any use of my talents, including but not limited to web design, web coding, web graphics, writing, and oh so much more, please contact me immediately for what is most likely to be the sweetest, cheapest deal you'll ever get in your life.

My resume is long and lustrous, with names such as Hanlon Brown, Elvis & Bonaparte, Intel, Nike, and countless others, spanning a decade of professional web work, and I have references to die for. All of which I'll be happy to share with any interested person.

Any job is great, but ones that could put a little something down immediately are super great.

So please email me or call me at 971-285-3034.

Thank you, and [diety of your choice] bless.



Web portfolio now updated!


Blogger Joni DeRouchie said...

That sounds more like it'd be up Patrick's alley, being that he... you know... actually owns a camera and all. But it's a good thought!

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought of a new industry?

It's the future.

It's one simple word....plastics.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That absotively posilutely sucktars to the tenth power. I wish I knew of something, but I'm just a humble night worker.

Yay! Walls to talk to!

3:06 AM  

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