Monday, April 25, 2005

the coffee cup crusade

In response to overwhelming demand from fellow spurned fans wanting to know what to do with their impotent rage, Aaron the Geek and I have come up with a unified method for everyone to express their dissatisfaction with Entercom's decision to take away the only live, local morning talk in Portland.

We wanted to come up with something positive, legal, and simple for everyone to do.

So we created The Coffee Cup Crusade.

Here's what you do:

1. Take a spare coffee mug that you've got lying around the house
2. Put it in a bag or box with a note that reads "I need my morning fix. Bring back Rick Emerson"
3. Address it to General Manager Jack Hutchison
4. Drop it off at Entercom: 0700 SW Bancroft, Portland OR 97239
5. Resist the urge to include any sort of death threat or feces

If you are extra-pissed and extra-motivated, you could go to a thrift store and snatch up lots of coffee cups for cheap and deliver them en masse.

The goal is to demonstrate a unified 'show of hands' without doing anything gross, insane, or threatening -- while at the same time presenting something annoying and cumbersome for The Man to deal with.

So, there you go. Spread the word!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I unfortunately moved to Colorado the day before the last listener party - so this news came as a surprise to me this morning when I read Rick's site. And here I'd been hoping to find a decent stream of some of 910's content (Rick, Clyde - maybe even Fuel).

Like I've told Rick before, in my 20 years of listening to talk radio, I have heard nothing like his show (nor Clyde's for that matter). It's the only show I bothered to shape my life around so that I wouldn't ever miss a day.

I don't have any coffee cups, since everything I consume tends to come in shot glasses. But I'll see what I can do. :)

I hope they'll both also consider other venues for their material. After all, it's the age of the internet and you don't *have* to be beholden to the corporates. Especially when your audiences are geeks and techies and nerds to begin with.

Of course, that doesn't bring in a paycheck. Not a reliable one, at least. But I'd sure pay for a stream or a podcast subscription if that ever happened.

On a side note - anyone know what has happened to Kyle? Poor guy just started getting paid after a year and then this? Even if they kept him around, it must be hell to be a monkey at KISN.

Kudos to everyone trying to do something here. This is a great idea and I'll certainly contribute to the cause.

12:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Between coffe cups and the radios which are now dead to me, we could sure swamp Entercom with some concrete evidence.

I would also suggest writing to the powers that be in PA. So few people write actual letters anymore. Where one letter used to equal the opinion of 100 people, it is now considered to equal that of 1,000 + people. Maybe we should remind corporate headquarters that their decisions are "not a good fit" with Porland life.

Keep up the good fight!

Diana from Downtown

6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After a night's sleep, I have to wonder whether barking up the Entercom tree is really the best investment of time? Other than MAX910, the only other talk station Entercom has in Oregon is 1080 (The Fan) and I really doubt that any amount of outcry is going to cause them to suddenly drop the new AM content and revert back to a talk station, employing Rick, Clyde, the Fuel guys and whoever else.

Seems the best bet is to, as mentioned before, contact other players in the market and tell them you want them to look at Rick and Clyde.

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea! I'll do it.

I wrote Jack a personal letter this morning. I think a good old fashioned written letter with a stamp carries a lot more weight than an e-mail. As for mugs, you can get'm cheap at Walgreens and at the Dollar Store. :)

8:11 AM  
Blogger Todd W. said...

Psst...Joni -

The third hour link of today's "Best of" show at Rick's site links to yesterday's third hour. Although with Rick's audience of geeks, I'm sure they've figured out how to place today's correct date in the URL to access the right 3rd hour. Just thought I'd let ya know!

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron Duran,
Thanks for what you are doing! I liked the comments and suggestions and found the shoot glass great as well.

I have posted an On-Line Petition on Clyde's site. I never heard Rick Emerson except one time when Clyde had him as a gift.

My suggestion, don't drop off nice cups, although we can afford to. My suggestion is to take a chipped cup and some shot glasses and make a note something to the effect:

"What were you thinking? Don't you think? Last summer I did a t-shirt that was a kick-off of the old smiley face, that had the question "Don't you think?" I had done a limited run for a marketing campaign but because of an accident, I couldn't implement it. But I did copyright it!

And coming soon!

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After crying in my coffee laced with tequilla, I found my wits and wrote to Rick. His wonderful suggestion rocks, and I will comply. HOWEVER, I have decided to call Entercom as many times as I possibly can (making it my pathetic lifes mission to make some NOISE). Portland phone number: 503-223-1441 their lines open at 8:30a.m. lets find out where ALL of the 910 talk show guys have gone. Not just Rick (although he is the most important)-but where is Phil, Imus, Tom? Do they know that loyal listeners are without? Do they care? Well, I am going to write and write and write until I get a GODDAMN answer I like and I urge you all to be as equally pissed off and make as much of your own noise as you possibly can. Good luck to you all, and if anyone finds anything out-please let us all know.
Be well

7:59 AM  

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