rocking the IHOR ...
I wrote a lovely post about the band and rehearsals and it was accidentally erased.
I'm too pissed off now to rewrite it. Grr.
So here's some pictures of the IHOR Rehearsal Loft:

I'm too pissed off now to rewrite it. Grr.
So here's some pictures of the IHOR Rehearsal Loft:

Is "IHOR" the "edgy" version of IHOP?
Oh, and looking at the wall, it's a giant "Which one of these is not like the others."
-Iron Maiden
Don't get me wrong...I've got the mad love for Bjork. Any chick who will open a can of whoop ass on a random reporter in an airport is all good. Also, "Post" rules...
Whoa! ZING!
Possibly, maybe
Cinderella and Poison would only get you laughed at and beat up by real metal heads. lose the pussy stuff and throw up some SLAYER.
Real metal-heads have gotten past, while ultimately still respect Slayer. The "real metal" arguement has been a time tested one. Ultimately if it's in your heart it doesn't matter. As a college educated musician, and ex-pro songwriter...I really enjoy alot of what newer black, death, and melodic death bands have to offer with use of new production technology. The bands I really enjoy are the guy's that are technically gifted as well as good writers...Devin Townsend of Strapping Young Lad is a good example. I love that $hit.
HATE-PRIEST, I agree with your thoughts.
metal has changed. for some better, for others worse.
I enjoy much of what is out there. I wish I had more time to listen, but there's work and just life. Have you heard of Mastadon? I saw them @ Dante's I was blown away. You should check them out. Metal is in your heart and for some it's Aquanet for others, it's Cradle of Filth.
TOM ARAYA for President.
Mastodon is mighty. Cephalic Carnage, and Capharnum are two I have my ears wrapped around right now. The new Soilwork, although a little commercial, has fantastic songwriting. I can deffinately sympathize with the work/life thing. I have a new business abobut one year old, and it's all I can do to get time for my own receipts. My girl sings professionaly, and is young, (24), so I'm kinda forced to keep up against my!
This may be beating a dead horse, but....(no sentence should start that way)...I was looking at "Anonymous"'s post saying, "Cinderella and Poison would only get you laughed at and beat up by real metal heads. lose the pussy stuff and throw up some SLAYER." Hmmmm.... As a true East County Metalhead, Metal-Head, Metal Head, Rocker, Meathead, Metaller, Mullethead, King of all Rock, Longhair, Metal Fan, and all around nice guy, I have to call bullshit on the being laughed at for listening to and enjoying the aforementioned bands. As near as I can tell, "Real metal heads" have always been pretty cool when it comes to other peoples music (as long as it doesn't suck), but I guess "Anonymous" is too far removed from the REAL ol' skool "metalishness" (and probably too young) to realize this. Slayer does kick ass (one of the best live shows...ever), but at the same time, hair bands also need their due. True, true, there is nothing quite like popping in some Slayer, Exodus, etc., but (as Bill tells us) there's always room for Jell-o.... Rock on, my mulleted brothers and big-haired sisters! Keep metal's heavy cadence alive out there at the intersection of "Eight Track Ave. & Flare-Leg St."! Remember, don't be a "Poseur", dude, and keep on believing that yes, it's true, Bjork does indeed suck.... HOOWAH!!!
are you going to see "strapping young lad" next week?
i'll be there, i can't wait.
well, i still think that cinderella and poison suck ass. true, you may have thrown that crap in the tape player as you tried to get into some rocker chicks, skin tight levi 501's or 701's (depending on how old you were).. remember the chicks who had the pants with the zippers from the front all the way in the back.. yeah.. those were the days!
what the hell does she have to do with metal? did i miss something?
yep, hair bands or king diamond, as long as it's not depeche mode.
I went to Strapping Young Lad last night...Moshed, and got a pick from Devin....My girlfriend was solicited to "give a haircut" to the lead singer of Misery Signals. (A great band by the way.) All around a very metal evening.
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