Sunday, February 20, 2005

Some days are diamonds...

...and some days are shit, as my eloquent father used to say. Our latest script session for Bigger than Jesus was largely the latter, as Joni and I dug ourselves further and further into a literary morass of subplots and tangents (not unlike a certain radio show we all know), only to look around and realize that we were miles from shore, with no landmarks in any direction.

Jesus, did I just write that? "Morass"? "Miles from shore"? Apart from mixing my metaphors, who WRITES like that? Well, the answer, at least lately, seems to be *me*, which is what has made this latest revision such a pleasure/chore. Not unlike Hawkeye Pierce's tongue-depressor mounument, lately I spend hours on towering creations that must ultimately be dissembled.

Argh. I'm doing it again.

Well, suffice it to say, we are NOT following Mr. King's maxim that "second draft = first draft, minus ten percent."

More later. For now, rest assured that the work is coming along, and that you will never write a song as terrible as "Shandi."


Blogger Joni DeRouchie said...

I don't know what either of you are talking about. I'm nothing but sunshine and love. Me and my kitty cat.

11:03 PM  

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