Monday, February 07, 2005

Auditions and so forth . . .

So I'm sitting here listening to Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters" which just came up on my MP3 jukebox. I've spent a lot of time in the past month listening to this song. Why? Because it's one of the new additions to the "Bigger Than Jesus" show. And you know what I've learned, after careful dissection and deconstruction of this song? It's fucking pussy. It's the pussiest song on planet Earth. Really, what were these guys doing?? I was never a Metallica fan, but in the past couple of years, after countless conversations with Rick and guys like him, I've learned that Metallica did something very bad and hurtful to a lot of people -- people I care about. Exactly what Metallica did is difficult to define, but because it brought sadness to so many people I care about, I've taken a deeply personal interest in making the Metallica portion of "Bigger Than Jesus" as honest and heartfelt as possible. There are things that need to be said and I've made it my mission to say them as powerfully as possible. Cause when you fuck with my friends, you fuck with me, Lars Ulrich!

Just for fun, here's an online petition demanding that Metallica ceases collaborations with Bob Rock, whom some deem the source of the pussification of the band's sound since the Black Album.

Anyway, so the on-air portion of the BtJ auditions is over. I've called back the folks I want to hear sing again for a private audition, so if you haven't received a call by now for round 2, you're probably not going to. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get called later! One never knows.

Everyone who was brave enough to come down to the station and sing gets a seat at the show as well as my eternal respect and admiration for doing something I wouldn't do if you put a gun to my head.

You guys are truly the coolest!


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