Thursday, July 21, 2005


This is it! Your opportunity to be on camera!

We are making a (currently untitled) documentary for the DVD all about folks like you and your rock memories.

You've read the "send us your rock stories" posts, and many of you have responded with awesome tales of rock and roll salvation, debauchery, and enlightenment.

A handful of storytellers have been selected for in-depth profiles in the documentary.

The rest of you are cordially invited to...

The Bigger Than Jesus One-Night-Only Marathon Cattle Call Documentary Shoot

When: Wednesday, July 27th, 6 to 9 pm.

Where: During Jen Lane's Dysfunctional Family Fued
at the Ash Street Saloon, 225 SW Ash St, Portland

Here's how it will work: Show up at 6pm and look for the sign-up table. Put your name on the list, then sit down to wait your turn while enjoying the Dysfunctional Family Fued and happy hour beverages. When your name is called, you'll be escorted to a tiny room where you will be plopped down in front of a camera under searing lights and bluntly asked a series of questions followed by an opportunity to briefly tell your own rock story before being herded out to make room for the next guy.

What not to wear: No white. No concert t-shirts. No logos. No artwork of any kind. No ball caps. No stripes, checks, or small patterns such as gingham and the like. Be warned -- you won't get filmed if you wear any of these things. Just stick to solid, darker colors and you'll be fine.

What to bring: We are also looking to amass a large cache of photographs of y'all from the seventies and eighties, looking dorky and rocking (see the polaroid of Rick as Paul Stanley for an example of the perfect snapshot) especially if the photos depict the period of time described in your rock story. Also seeking backstage passes, ticket stubs, and any other sort of flat, paper-like artefact or memorabilia. (Ask yourself... can it be placed on a scanner? If the answer is yes, bring it!) I will be taking your items home with me, but rest assured that I will guard them with my life and will return them to you via mail as soon as I'm done with them. I appreciate the preciousness of such artefacts and will treat them with the utmost care.

Frequently asked questions

Q: My rock stories are all about Wham, Duran Duran, and Morrissey. Am I invited?
A: Sadly, no. We want to stick with the classic rock / metal / hard rock genres. Don't worry. I'll make a documentary for us Wham fans someday...

Q: I never sent you a rock story but I wanna be in the movie, too. Can I still come?
A: Yes!

Q: My friend has rad rock stories, too. Can I bring him?
A: Yes!

Q: I'm a chick. Are you looking just for guys or can I come, too?
A: Hell, yeah, you can come too! Rock Chix welcome!

Q: Will I have to sign a release form?
A: Yes. You won't get on camera unless you do.

Q: Will I get paid for my appearance in the movie?
A: Ha ha! No.

Q: Will I get a complimentary copy of the DVD if I appear in the movie?
A: No.

Q: Well, what will I get?
A: You'll get to be in a fucking movie!

Q: Can I be drunk and rowdy?
A: Drunk, yes. Boisterous and energetic? Yes. Rowdy, no. Respectful of me, the director? Yes. Respectful of Jen Lane and the event she's graciously allowing us to horn in on, absolutely.

Q: Can I be drunk and belligerent and scream at you until you fear for your safety because you didn't cast me as a singer in the stage show?
A: No.

Other questions? Email me!


Blogger Todd W. said...

No gingham?

Pfft. Count me out then.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Joni DeRouchie said...

Hey Aaron, can you fill in as DP on this night? That would be great.

And Todd just made me do a spit-take with my coffee.

10:35 AM  

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