so, screw that photo blog.
here's a couple of photos from our thankfully-not-as-chaotic-as-we'd-anticipated commentary recording session this past weekend....

Rick, Joni, Chris, and Director of Photography Nate

Rick, Joni, Chris, and Drummer Andrew
it was the plastic lawn chairs that really made us feel like rock stars.
And here are a few stills from the documentary In the Beginning: The Creation and Evolution of Bigger Than Jesus, shot and edited by the mighty Nate Baker, available on Disc #2 of the Bigger Than Jesus Collection....

Musical Director Chris**

Lighting Designer Sigfried and Stage Manager Aaron

Rick and Yoko
** yes... he does smile. It should be noted, however, that he was describing how satisfying it is to be an elitist prick at the moment that still was snapped.
here's a couple of photos from our thankfully-not-as-chaotic-as-we'd-anticipated commentary recording session this past weekend....

Rick, Joni, Chris, and Director of Photography Nate

Rick, Joni, Chris, and Drummer Andrew
it was the plastic lawn chairs that really made us feel like rock stars.
And here are a few stills from the documentary In the Beginning: The Creation and Evolution of Bigger Than Jesus, shot and edited by the mighty Nate Baker, available on Disc #2 of the Bigger Than Jesus Collection....

Musical Director Chris**

Lighting Designer Sigfried and Stage Manager Aaron

Rick and Yoko
** yes... he does smile. It should be noted, however, that he was describing how satisfying it is to be an elitist prick at the moment that still was snapped.
Where's aarons other hand?
YOUR hair?! Did you see MINE for fuck's sake? Also no one told me my lipstick was smeared through the whole interview, so that's nice. But Chris looks hot and that's the important thing.
But that smeared lipstick is oh, so trashy, like we like.
white socks is where he gets his power.
Wow, that Chris guy looks kinda girly. Too much Winger?
Yes. All man. Except for his tiny, soft, aristocrat hands.
What is more amazing is how much improved the photo quality is after the camera-phone was dropped into a 78 oz. mug of coffee. Holy crap, you coulda shot the entire performance, the commentary, and for that matter, the giant sugar cube at 24 fr/s and it woulda looked badass.
Did I say too much? I never know.
Aspect ratio consistency? Man you guys are so old school. Haven't you heard that the newest "stylistic" trend being bantered about within the DGA is variable aspect ratios. I mean Tarantino did it and if it is good enough for him it is surely good enough for YOU guys. Man.........
Wow, sorry, remind me not to drink and post comments anymore.
I hate to do this, but man I have been using Vegas and a.... GASP... PC for years now and I could count the crashes and problems on a retired shop teachers fingers (one that had been working many many years, you know the guy that all the kids called "STUMP"). Besides that I bought a bungload of gear with all the money I had left over, infact I had enough to build an enitre small scale audio recording set up. I know how great FCP is supposed to be, but man Vegas kicks serious tail in every respect.
Just a recomendation.....
well, my lame-o, single processor PC running Premiere Pro is currently handling over 200 gigs of video and audio files. Although, to be fair, it's barely handling it. And it sure hasn't been without it's glitches and crashes....... grr.......
premiere won't let me put 16 gigs of data onto a 4.7 gig DVD. what's that about. goddamn, i'm in hell.
Removed the audio track from the mpeg to decrease file size. Exported audio seperately. Re-rendered everything AGAIN.... TWICE.... still no guarantee that it will fit on the disc. Converting commentary track to mono to decrease its size. Meanwhile, cannot do any work on my computer for days (you know, the PAYING kind) as its busy rendering at a rate of 6 hours per hour of footage... For the love of god and all that is holy...
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