Monday, November 28, 2005


I should note that in addition to our own Nate Baker, Comcast's Ken Lotka has been in touch, and was very gracious about last night's technical woes. Things will be scheduled for re-broadcast within a short time.

Nothing can stop the rock!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I know what happened:

Rememeber the audio problem on the last show? Well, we figured that the problem was due to the DVD player (DVD A), so last night's show was put in a different player (DVD B).

The server scripts were changed, telling the server to play the show out of DVD B, but the scripts were NOT uchanged to tell the server to put DVD B on the air. The server was still trying to put DVD A on the air. 'D'oh,' indeed......

CNW 14 has been too big for it's server's britches for a while, and problems come up from time to time.

It's happend with the wrestling show, it's happened with the Playhouse show, it's happened with Super Atomic TV, and it's happened with PDXposed.......

Basically the CNW14's traffic system is a like a manual transmition, and all other, bigger, channels drive automatics(or they have robot drivers......)

CNW 14 doesn't have the safeguards against simple human error that other channels have. It is, after all, a pretty small time operation....Even though it's part of a monsterous corportation that came pretty damn close to a hostile take over of friggin' Disney, for Christ's sake.

The fact that CNW14 is small gives opportunities to shows like Rock Rountable and others to be on the air, which is good. The down side, the channel fucks up sometimes. And Publicly.

That's not to say that fuck ups like this can't be avoided, and they should be.

As a new member of the CNW 14 team, I pledge to work to end fuck ups in our life time. I understand fuck ups. It's hard work, I understand that. The world is better off with a channel like CNW 14 than without it. You all had access to the same intelligence that I did. Brownie's doing a heck of a job. Why is my jaw twitching?


9:36 AM  
Blogger Joni DeRouchie said...

Well, I believe that bringing the many talents of one Nate Baker on board will go a long way towards achieving the level of quality that CNW 14 aspires to. And also our rad TV show. If anyone had seen it. :p

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are too kind....


9:45 AM  
Blogger Joni DeRouchie said...

Nate and his mighty White Socks of Power!

9:55 AM  

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