Sunday, August 07, 2005

Of Emails and Editing.

In the category of "things that arrive in my in-box late at night", add this recent email from Joni:

"I'M EDITING, BABY! EDITING! I just put my first little behind-the-scenes bit together! It's 1 minute long! It took about three hours! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm never sleeping again!"

That was followed up by actually seeing some of the rough footage in a substantially less-rough state. Starting with the behind-the-scenes stuff, and then with some of the interview footage for the DVD bonus features, I have to say I was knocked out. This stuff -some of it, anyway- is of VH1 quality, visually, and is easily better than some of that stuff, content-wise.

Basically, what I'm saying is that we rock. I mean, it's true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, go get Highway to hell, turn your rock and roll radio up to 11 and blast away as you're editing!!! No where to go but down baby!!

(p.s. turn up to 12 when Beatin' Around the Bush comes on. Best rock-abilly, blues song they play. How does Mr young play that fast?!)

8:48 AM  

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